Types of friends That Make Fun Trips Fun

Want to go on a fun trip with friends? It will be one of the most exciting moments of your life as you capture lots of awesome memories. However, a fun trip can’t be a fun trip if the set of friends you go with are not fun at all. Here is a list of the 3 types of friends to take on a fun trip with you.

1.      The adventurers:
We all have one or two friends who love to be adventurous. They are also known as the explorers. They explore new food, new places, new cultures and a lot more. These friends add spice to the trip as their adventurous spirits rubs off on people easily. What is a fun trip without adventure right? 2 out of your 10 friends are adventurous. So when next you are going on a fun trip, they will be more than happy to join your boat.

2.      The Social friends:
Making new friends to some people is as easy as drinking a glass of water. Some of us love the opportunity to make new friends. We go to the movies, events, picnics and other social gatherings just to get social and add new friends on our list. If you have social friends, do not forget to take them on a fun trip. They will even love to take half of the bills off you in order for them to seize the opportunity to make new friends and network. Social friends lighten the mood of the trip and make fun more exciting.

3.      The fashionistas:
The trendy fashion lovers love to show off their new designs, shoes, hairdo and other flashy accessories so they can Snapchat their flashy looks on a fun trip, share on Instagram and other fun social platforms. To these set of friends, their love for fashion and social media helps you to share memorable moments as they get you glued to their cameras.

You get lucky when few of your friends have a merge of the 3 characters above. Not all your friends belong to the listed categories but you can still go on a fun trip with friends who have a little bit of these characteristics.  If you have close friends who do not have any of these characters, then mix them up with those that will make the trip fun. No one wants a boring trip because boring trips make one feel like time and funds were wasted. So to have a fun filled trip, go with fun friends or mix those with the above characters with few who do not possess those characteristics. Did I leave anything out? Please let me know.

Reference: Repost from travelwithastory.blogspot which is also the Author's blog.


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