Proven Techniques on Getting Your Money Back From Debtors

Have you ever been in a situation where you had to bug someone for your money? It might be a friend, family member, co-worker, boss or even a business client. The fact that you are pestering them to give you back your money could be that your account is red, you are almost stranded or your business needs immediate financial back up.

9 out of 10 people in the world have experienced debts in different ways; either from their poor spending habit or from people not keeping to their words after taking a loan from them. Whichever case it is, we all know that debt has created a gap among people that were otherwise close pals and that is why I refer debt as “the devil’s scissors”.

If you are in a situation where you need to get your money back, then you should read this e-book below as it will teach you different techniques on how to deal with debtors and get your money back. You will also learn how to mend relationships soiled with debts as well as how to stay debt free from great financial tips and coaching.

What funny or terrible experience have you had with debtors? Share with me and I will be delighted to post it on my page and you also stand a chance to getting the book for free.

To order for your copy of the e-book, send me a dm on my Facebook page (Nelly Essien) or send a mail to


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