Finding Your Purpose in Life Just Got Easier


Lara was born into a family whose house was flowing with milk and honey. Since Lara came into the world with a silver spoon, life was pretty fair on her but people had to make choices for her on what to wear, what to eat, where to go and what career path to take.

In a sub-rural part of Lagos, Benjamin, otherwise known as Benji was born into a struggling family where he had to make choices himself on how to survive in order to get a better life.

These are two lives; one born with a silver spoon and another without a spoon but they both are on a path to finding purpose. Lara has the world under her feet but there’s a hunger to find her purpose in life. Benji has the world on top of his head but shares the same hunger. The fact remains that, at one point or the other every human being irrespective of who they are and where they come from, questions their existence. Some people find their life purpose early in life, others find it really late and some are still struggling to find theirs. If you are at the point where you question your existence, then here are the easy ways Lara and Benji discovered their life’s purpose by asking the following questions;

Who are you?
What’s your name? Yes, that’s a starting point.
What do you love to do?
Write down the things you love doing including the things you are qualified to teach with a passion.
Who do you do it for?
Who are your target audience? In other words, what set of people will benefit from what you love doing?
What do they need that they come to you to give to them?
What need in particular are you helping these people to solve? That would answer this question.
How did their lives improve as a result of what you gave to them?
When people start giving testimonies and sharing the good news of what you gave to them, then that’s a good thing.

So when Lara and Benji answered these questions, they realised their life’s purpose. Now, when people ask Lara; “What do you?” Lara would say “I help people train young entrepreneurs so they can be independent and add value to the society.” And Benji would say; “I write books that help an African child read better.” So, just like Lara and Benji found their purpose in life, you too can find yours. Tell me your answers to the questions asked and let’s chit chat in the comment section.


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