These Are The Reasons You Barely Get Hired

Have you been job hunting for a long time now and you are feeling frustrated because you barely get hired? Well, here are the reasons you barely get hired;

1.     You are too lazy to research about the company you are applying into: once you have applied for a job, do not take research for granted. Take out time to know what the company represents; their mission, vision and values so you do not get confused and unprepared in the interview room.

2.     You wait for companies to come to you: You barely get the job because you keep waiting for the next vacancy notification before you can apply for a job. Do not wait till there are vacancies. Send your application to companies you are interested in and you just might get lucky. Most companies will call you when they need your services.

3.     Your social media handles are a mess: Most job applicants have a messed up social account that includes offensive posts, pictures and abusive materials. If this is you, then you have to clean up that messy social media account because most employers check your social activity to know if they can employ you or not.

4.     You are not experienced for the job you are applying for: do not apply to be a banker when you have a degree in public administration. It is true that the economy today has made a lot of unemployed youths to apply for just any kind of job to make a living. Apply for a job you are well experienced in. Only then can you scale a job interview because they know the value you are bringing in and then you can get hired.

5.     Talking down on your former employers: Most employers want to know your past relationship with your employers so they deliberately ask you why you leave the job and how your former employers were like. Many job seekers go as far as tarnishing the image of their former employers and as such, they barely get hired. No employer will want to have an employee ruin their image in the nearest future.

6.     Not taking cover letters serious: Cover letters are an important aspect of your application. Not taking this serious makes your chances so slim and getting hired is almost not possible. Make sure your cover letter impresses your potential employer. They need to know how you can be of great value to their organisation.

7.     Not Preparing ahead of time for the interview: This goes from not researching, to not practising interview questions as well as not preparing the right kind of outfit for the interview. Do not make the mistake of looking disorganised before employers. They will barely keep you in the room for a minute.

Conclusion: Apply for that job but try not to make the above mistakes. All the best!


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